Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23542/21892 |Mar 6| ★ Sense 2.5.2012 / MaxManil
I'm not sure if we should be installing the carrier provisioning for sprint or if it's already set up to use it since nrgz uses his on sprint now, but either way, I see that keyboard fix is still needed. Also, MMS isn't working out of the box for me even after changing the address to the correct boost server address. I'll work on that after a little sleep.
As for the rom, it's definately a lot smoother than the last version. Speed is about the same, maybe a little better, but there are no jitters sliding the clock as there were before. No jitters on anything really except the music tab in landscape mode. (As always) All in all, a worthy upgrade for the basis of your artwork. Excellent job as always NRGZ. Thanks again.
Further testing tomorrow. Oh, and I'm on the cookie version 21892.
 My thanks button is sleeping. Do not disturb.
Last edited by Boominsvx; 03-07-2010 at 03:05 AM.
Reason: Version