Originally Posted by abrigham
As a side note, when he said "doesn't have flash" I think he meant "doesn't have a flash" a.k.a. LED Flash light for the camera... which I must admit is probably my ONLY regret in getting this phone but I have learned to live without it...
Yeah, that's what I thought he meant that I responded to in post #3. I used the camera flash a lot on my TP1 and even used it as a flashlight which really was a great feature. Drained the battery really fast but was nice to have. I was surprised to see a lot of people in this thread thinking he meant Adobe Flash. Or maybe he did???? Who knows what this clown is really thinking as he troll started a thread and ran like hell.
I'd assume that this is correct though as he claims he has a TP1 as shown in his info, and later come to find out he allegedly scammed it away for a TP2 and being familiar with the TP1 I guess he'd recognize the missing hardware like I did.