Re: [3/6/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]
Originally Posted by lipidfats
sim card is not needed... in fact, most have to take it out to get android to boot. you will get an annoying icon on your windows mobile taskbar though... btw anyone know how to get rid of that?
I know there is a fix somewhere I will find it...pretty sure it is in Mighty's thread if someone wants to look before me..(gonna test this MP)...just check the paperclip...
Originally Posted by makkonen
To all those having trouble with the Android Market -- that's a problem that should've been fixed in the March 1st XDANDROID package. It's possible 95-civic didn't realize and update (it was just a small fix after the Feb 27 or 28 release); or there might be a separate Market issue afflicting you guys.
Could someone try downloading that package, and just replacing your system.sqsh with the one contained therein, and see if that fixes the market downloading issue?
DL,ing now....
"I never lie because I don't fear anyone. You only lie when you're afraid.”