Originally Posted by amikam
ok guys.. i don;t know if it was posted or not... but it seems that cookiemonster mod works on vga manila 2012.
it really doesn't take up much room and works fast without any noticeable lost of speed.
give it a shot... definitely worth it!!!
and this is where u would get the tool to change all the settings to what ever u like and also u need it for changing the res to vga: (can be installed to internal storage)
i might cook it in in upcoming version... so far there is no reason to update besides this mod and maybe sys 23542.
so and update will probably only comeup in a week or two.
also... all u guys having issues with google maps... check out this post:
Tempting. I abandoned Sense a while back when there were just too many bugs and there was no room left after flashing. For a UI, I've been using a very stripped down Titanium w/SPB's MS on top that IMHO was quite attractive and functional along with widget customizations developed by Vostradamus @ XDA. I stayed w/6.5 because SPB covers the bottom of the screen and hence a bit inconvenient to get to the start menu. Really would have preferred to use 6.5.x though. Now that it looks like many of the problems with Sense have been addressed I may just have to "come back from the dark side".
If I do, will let you know how it is working.
And again, thanks for the answers you've provided regarding the problems w/my custom rom. Still have not worked those out, but I'm still poking around. Would love to get my hands on OMJ's 1.6 kitchen and really see if I was having problems then.