Originally Posted by Riptide9
That should be added to "Punch Rom" LOL
Thanks ENRGZ!! Doing Great... To everyone complaining about battery life and memory issues... WTF! Do you want NRGZ to come to your house and set you phone up for you. How about taking a few moments to do some investigation like so many others have done and remember that NRGZ sets this up the way he wants it with backlight at max etc.(1st post) Have you checked your discharge rate and made adjustment accordingly? Fresh flash discharge rate is around 500ma, I have mine working at average of less than 100ma. And my memory is usually 60mb free consistantly. This rom isn't even meant for our phone but with some minor adjustments it will run fast, stable, with little to no issues. Sorry to rant but 1200+ pages and still the same questions 20 times aday (we even have a game to keep us amused at the stupid questions constantly asked. LOL ) Most issues are probably caused at the instant fix cabs people are so quick to install by the dozens instead of trying to understand why something isn't right and what should be done to fix it. ENRGZ! Keep doing what you are doing! Improving this great rom you have worked so hard on for us. There is nothing broken that needs your attention that we shouldn't be working on ourselves. Thanks
Maybe these people are new and don't know how to adjust the setting properly, Of all the things you quoted, I see one asking NRG to adjust the battery usage.
If the same 20 questions are asked 20 times a day, do you think maybe that person in charge of the FAQ should maybe update it to answer those same 20 questions, so that people don't ask them 20 times a day? When I started with the ROM, I followed the FAQ to the letter knowing how panties in a bunch forum regulars are about questions that have been asked a million times. The problem was that the FAQ hadn't been updated with the release so what I was trying to do didn't apply, or more accurately, wasn't in the release (the ROM update utility).
Not for nothing, but there was a day when you didn't know how to do all this too, and I'm sure you innocently asked a question that had been answered 30 times too.
So, what's a new user supposed to do? Not ask? Read through a 1200 page "support" thread? It's usually easier to ask your question, then monitor from the page you asked on. Seriously, you need to lighten up. People are here for help.