Originally Posted by gabbythe1
Hi all,
does anyone have the keyboard fix? Everytime I hit letter "Y" on mine, it pops up the option tab. Many thanks for your help.
That should be added to "Punch Rom" LOL
Originally Posted by adam1
how is the battery life in the new Rom still the same??
Originally Posted by Rollazn
I love this rom but the battery drains like crazy... does this happen to anyone else?
Plus when i'm trying to charge it via a computer, it say insufficient charge and it doesn't charge it... Happen to anyone else?
Originally Posted by daddymikey1975
+1 on battery drain.. in an hour and a half using Sprint NAV for about 20 minutes, then eating dinner at a restaurant, my battery went from 100% down to 77% w/ no programs running after dinner.. Sprint NAV was only used for about 20 min ...
Originally Posted by adam1
how to fix the battery drain help please
Originally Posted by jaybrad1
Hey Energy I like a lot this rom,but I had a few observations, battery and memory drain is a problem that I can't deal with it. Also I think if that Opera Mini is a better option for browser than Opera 10.Please tell me how to fix the first two and if you can make a rom with Opera Mini as the main browser it will be awesome.
Thanks ENRGZ!! Doing Great... To everyone complaining about battery life and memory issues... WTF! Do you want NRGZ to come to your house and set you phone up for you. How about taking a few moments to do some investigation like so many others have done and remember that NRGZ sets this up the way he wants it with backlight at max etc.(1st post) Have you checked your discharge rate and made adjustment accordingly? Fresh flash discharge rate is around 500ma, I have mine working at average of less than 100ma. And my memory is usually 60mb free consistantly. This rom isn't even meant for our phone but with some minor adjustments it will run fast, stable, with little to no issues. Sorry to rant but 1200+ pages and still the same questions 20 times aday (we even have a game to keep us amused at the stupid questions constantly asked. LOL ) Most issues are probably caused at the instant fix cabs people are so quick to install by the dozens instead of trying to understand why something isn't right and what should be done to fix it. ENRGZ! Keep doing what you are doing! Improving this great rom you have worked so hard on for us. There is nothing broken that needs your attention that we shouldn't be working on ourselves. Thanks