Just a comment first: with all the ROM's, Windows and Manila versions, etc. please be careful what you load. A lot of these program cabs are indifferent to which versions of what you run, but the settings-type cabs are typically very picky.
Now a contribution. Just found this yesterday. It is Touch Weather from kandratt over at XDA Developers. It can be used straight in Windows Mobile, without Manila, or in conjunction with Manila. Good thread, good description of the program, YouTube video also. Free version and $5 version, well explained in the thread at XDA.
I have the Energy 6.5.5 / SenseUI 2.5 ROM. I have the Cookie Monster add-on package. With this, I can easily link extra programs (like this one) to items on my home tab. With the Home Tab animated weather, if you tap on the weather animation (on my phone now), it launches this Touch Weather app for lots of weather details.