Originally Posted by mattmark2305
Is there a possibility of someone creating a dusk black dialer cab maybe with a lil green mixed in or just black for a 6.5 ROM with 2.5 sense...that would be very much appreciated. Thanks to all for the help!
you can get a dusk dialer from
HERE ot should work fine but if it doesnt let me know.
Originally Posted by mattmark2305
Alright I got the s2u2 working but with the coreplayer do i jus use my pc then go into program files find coreplayer click on it then paste the rar/zip file that i downloaded from the link and renamed .cps in the same folder as the core player exe?....and it will automatically skin the coreplayer when i turn on. I tried this with no change to coreplayer. Thanks for the help redd214.
download the coreplayer skin.zip file from the first post. dont unzip is, just remane it to "skin.cps" and place that file into the corplayer directory