Re: [2/27/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]
A quick note for those who are attempting to connect via adb in windows -- it won't work out of the box. (At least, this is the case with the TP1, and I can see no reason why it would be different on the TP2. The USB/ADB drivers are no more fleshed out on the RHOD400.)
You need to add a line to the 'custom shell' section at the end of eclair.user.conf:
echo 2 > /sys/devices/platform/msm_hsusb/usb_function_switch
Of course, this command breaks adb in linux (and probably mac), but it's necessary in Windows. Also, the phone needs to be connected to the computer at boot time or it won't bring up the interface. I think that's it. I hope that's it.