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Old 03-04-2010, 11:12 PM
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Re: Favorite cabs thread

What's up Yearn. Gotta few to add. Didnt see most of them but if already posted, sorry about that

1. Mdigger: nice rss reader. Works well with 6.1 and 6.5, not so good with 6.5.x
2. UCWeb: fast mini browser with new updated interface.
3. Netfront Browser: latest cab. works pretty good all things considered.
4. Weather4me: Simple fast weather app with nice start menu icon.
5. Large Title Bar: old school Notifications bar. looks great still with 6.1 and 6.5 roms but should be used without notification enhancements cooked in.
6. OperaMini5: awesome new opera mini beta5 native to windows mobile! no more java required **tip found that it works better if installed from a fresh flash, without setting up mini through java first. my experience of course but others may have better luck. Best browser to date in my opinion.
7. Arkswitch: great new taskbar.
8. tcptune: allows you to change data tcp window size for increased data speeds. read up on it as there are threads discussing it.

Hope you guys like em!
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