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Old 03-04-2010, 08:01 PM
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Re: 03/03/10 Sprint Plutonium_V3 is up !!!

So...I decided to go back to sense 2.1 MightyRom for a while...but I had a question Vin. I really liked your V7 was almost perfect for me. I wouldn't have flashed away from it, but I found scrolling the tabs in TF3D on Energy's 2/26 rom was somehow faster...also using sense was smoother scrolling from the home tab and the weather tab...scrolling from any other tab on your rom is smooth too. I had the same setup of just a .jpg as my wallpaper, with weather location enabled, and displayed below the clock...I even used the same jpg...any idea how he achieves this? If I could achieve that smoothness and everything else be otherwise exactly whats in your V7 beta...I'd be happy, and probably not flash the phone again.
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