Originally Posted by raidzero
yes phcanimages.dll is specific to the dialer package. in order to do this to other dll's there are a few requisites...
PE Explorer, or other resource editor
open up the dll in pe explorer, delete the images that you dont want (if any) save the dll, then save all resources from it as images. then edit each image with GIMP or photoshop and convert the mode to indexed, make sure you auto generate the color palette (indexing discards all information about colors that are not present in the image, thus saving space). if you have photoshop CS2, I have already created droplets to convert bmp's and png's to indexed mode. I will attach them if anyone is following what I am saying.
after the images have been edited (they will now be much more lightweight) replace all the images in the dll and save, then use the dll in an EXT as normal.
if all the editing sounds scary, its pretty simple to just remove resources from a DLL. with PE explorer, all you do is right click it, and click remove resource. then say yes to the warning when you save the file so it can recalculate the size of the dll.
whoa, sounds like a lot of work...but i'll try that now =P
i dunno which resources i can remove, so i'll probably just convert them to indexed
Edit: hm, phcanImages.dll is already at around 4MB...maybe it's already optimized
Edit2: took me a while, but i managed to do that for both phcanimages.dll and phcanimages2.dll, reduced both by around 50% =)