Originally Posted by cocoabro
Did you check your backlight settings? Did you try uninstalling SmartLock to see if the problem persists?
Uninstalled and the problem vanished.
Originally Posted by glenwill
I've always had trouble getting SmartLock to work correctly. It seems buggy to me. Sometimes it would just stop locking, but I wouldn't know, and would get random keypresses. I've always end up back on S2U2, which seems more solid, even if it doesn't have as much of a stock feel.
cmylxgo has even created an energyrom theme for S2U2:
I don't really like S2U2 lol :P I just used Smartlock because it was already integrated with WinMo's lock
Originally Posted by Riptide9
When you install smartlock you need to change the default settings for it to act right. Check the folowing settings in smartlock
*WM6.5 new lock "checked" (not checked by default)
*Stand-by trigger lock screen "checked" (this is so you can lock the screen by hitting the power button on top, if backlight is checked (default) your phone will keep locking when your screen so much as dims and get anoying)
*In call lock "checked" (so your face doesnt start evything on the phone while you are talking)
*Outcall connected lock "checked"
*Keep enable when charging "checked" (I do this so the screen is locked at night and when the alarm goes off in the morning you get the nice slide to stop or snooze screen which you won't get if the lock isn't on) PS check to make sure you have checked the box in alarms (setting>Clocks & Alarms>Alarms)to sound alarm even when device is set to silent... so you can set the phone to silent so email alerts and other stuff wont keep waking you up but the alarm will.
*Lock screen and then stand-by "checked"
*enable lock sound "checked" (so you know it locked)
*disable hardkeyboard when using telephone "checked"
*Delay time "120 seconds" (I do this so that you can watch youtube or anything else with out it keep locking in the middle of things)
If I didn't mention it then I have it unchecked.... I hope this helps
You answered my question, I set delay time to 5 seconds haha

I thought it meant that the screen would turn off in 5 seconds if the lock was on, not lock itself in 5 seconds

With that being said, is it possible to do that with the default winmo lock?
Also on another note, fixed my camera problem, seems like my SD Card is broken because when I save to main memory it works fine, I think it broke when my SD Card erased everything itself..