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Old 03-03-2010, 05:25 PM
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Re: SERO + Company Discount = NO!!

Originally Posted by Mojary View Post
i disagree my friend. because before upgrading to the tp2, i had the early nights & weekend and text messaging plan on my free incoming plan. i also bought a few ringtones and stuf from the sprint store. my corporate discount never applied to them when i got the bills. looking at the bill i can tell it only applies to the monthly charge. because looking at my bill's account summary page, the first column is the "monthly recurring access charges" and then "service discount/adjustments" column. and then the rest of the services after those two columns. and it clearly indicates on there that sprint is only putting the discount on the actual monthly plan charge. if it was applied to all charges, that adjustment and credits column will be the very last column indicating that they applied the adjustments/credits to all things that i was getting charged for. so unless it is included in your actual monthly plan and not an optional add-on plan, your corporate discount does not apply.

but then again, i am not on SERO plan. they might bill differently between the two types of accounts (SERO and regular accounts). and with that said...sorry to hi-jack the thread and veer out of the SERO topic.
Hey I could be wrong. But on my bill that I'm staring at I get 25% off everything including insurance and including the I'm+ program I purchased also the call tone I purchased was discounted.
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