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Old 01-13-2008, 10:30 AM
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Originally Posted by itsall_cooool View Post
Even worse than the ugly version of the PPC 6800 is the outrageous data plans on Verizon.

True, very True.

I just left VZW a few month's ago in search of cheaper data. Man Sprint SERO rocks. When VZW asked me why I was leaving I told them they had a great network but until they quit treating PDA phones like they were laptops connected to their network with an always on internet connection, I had no plan to come back. I didn't even try to tell them about SERO plan prices, but She didn't even believe me when I told her that PowerVision for PDAs was only $15 bucks a month.

I was really planning on waiting for VZW to get the 6800. I had been waiting for over 6 months for it. Man, am I glad I switched. Their version is UGLY.

Just my .02 (I'm sure there are plenty of people who think it looks better than the Sprint version)
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