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Old 03-02-2010, 11:49 PM
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Re: Apple sues HTC for infringing 20 Patents...

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
There is nothing to hijack on this thread..its a TP2 forum and it doesn't even belong this thread itself is offtopic. That said, patents right now may hinder innovation, but in general they are needed and 2 years is not enough.
Are you sure? I mean just look at the current situation with apple? This is harming innovation instead of helping it. And for the most part I believe this to be the case more than not. Their maybe so industries that you need patent laws, I can't speak for them all. However, with the exponential growth of technology, the technological sector is not one of them. I also believe the Medical sector to be another, which is very closely tied to the technological sector.
Originally Posted by gTen View Post
The problem lies in how the patent system is abused, this even goes for the law system in general. To put a patent for 2 years though is not the answer as it will completely kill innovation. Unless you have the money, there is no way you would be able to make your product hit the market.
Unfortunately all industries tied to government will be. Because government itself is and always has been corrupt. Even back to the time of the founding of this country. The Founders took the action they did out of self interest to protect their own profits. Their system of government had the least flaws of any other, but still far from perfect. There is no "perfect" system of organized government. And I disagree that a product will never ht the market if you're not rich, the reason why is because most people who have an idea work for somebody. Therefore they always have been and will be backed by someone else's money.
Originally Posted by gTen View Post
As the saying goes "Too little of something is bad and too much of something is bad"
I understand everything in moderation, but I'm not sure how to apply it in this case.
Originally Posted by gTen View Post
On other note, even the concept of democracy and capitalism if you think about it are 1000 year old systems. It just happens to be somewhat better then the other choices available atm.
This I partially agree with. Democracy fails every time it is tried. Democracy concentrates power in the hands of a few clever enough to manipulate the masses. We(The USA) were set up to be a republic. That way you don't run into tyranny of the majority. Which is eventually what causes all democracies to self destruct. It is suppose to give all men equal rights under the law, which we no longer have.
This will explain it better than I ever could.

Now on to Capitalism. An unrestrained free market does do the most good for the most people. What we have is not an unrestrained free market, or big business would fail. The market will regulate itself, if allowed too. That is good, what we have is not. Government now creates monopolies in order to make sure it always keeps it's power. Let me get through this test tomorrow and I'll discuss this in greater detail.(if you care?)
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