Originally Posted by armstrong
We need to drive this conversation underground, I think. I have tethered fine for a year, but as of today, it seems sprint is able to block me from that reg edit. been fine for a year til now. My reg says Phone as modem, but when I changed it back to sprint, it won't stay. I've found a workaround, but sprint is hot on our heels
btw, anyone else noticing this as of today? (without revealing too much)
C'mon Bud ... let's not get silly. First of all, Sprint already knows that people are tethering without paying extra for it. What they won't be able to do, is distinguish between the internet usage of your device vs tethering to your laptop via usb, wi-fi, or blue tooth ... if you use the following registry edits. Nothing has changed, but always remember two things. First of all, large amounts of data transfer might draw attention. Secondly, whenever you make changes to the registry, you need to wait a couple of minutes before doing a soft reset ... in order for the edits to stick. Here are the entries ...
HKLM\Comm\InternetSharing (delete “extension”)
MaxCMConnectRetries = 0
ForceCellConnection = Sprint
CheckProfile = 0
Multi-NAI = 0
WModemDUN = 0
LastCellConnection = Sprint