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Old 01-12-2008, 10:31 PM
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Originally Posted by ksquake View Post
I had a Verizon XV6700 which was replaced by a XV6800 and I have to say I liked my 6700 better for the following reasons even though it was a bit chunkier than the 6700.

The 6700 had a headset jack while the 6800 has an adaptor that connects to the USB port to support a wired headset. I am not a Bluetooth headset user and this arrangement is not very pocket friendly.

The 6700 had a "normal" length stylus that hid in the body, the 6800 has a telescoping stylus that does hide in the body but even when extended I find it to be too short.

The button placement on the 6700 seemed better. On the 6800 the power button is across from the wheel and a couple other buttons and I find care is needed so that I do not push back against the power button while pushing buttons that are directly across the body from it.

The processor on the 6700 was overclockable, the 6800 processer is not yet and it is questionable if it ever will be due to its dual (and un-balanced) core.

The 6700 had the joystick which I liked, the 6800 does not, it has a D-Pad style controller with a clicker in the center.

On the plus side for the 6800 though it is a bit thinner and does not have the antenna bump. It also has a navigation wheel which is kind of nice although it's placement opposite the power button is unfortunate.

The funny thing is everything that you just said are the exact problems I had when jumping to the 6800, but I have to look at it in the sense that when I first got a 6700 it took alot of getting use to coming from my previous phone as well. So in that sense alot of the smaller differences does make a big difference but for the most part I have learned to get used to it and don't regret the purchase one bit.
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