Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)
Overall, with most of the builds, I have noticed that WiFi and anything 3D, or other graphic intense app, seem to suck the battery down rather fast compared to WinMo (not a surprise as the devs are still working on everything). I would usually empty my 1500mAh battery in under 5 hours while at class, and have to swap my stock 1350 in to get me through until I got home. With the old build (2-18 I think) I would have to replace the battery after about 2-3 hours. That is with WiFi on most of the time, but hardly any 3D/graphic intense apps running. As I don't have working 3G (carrier issue, not APN issue) I need WiFi access at school.
With the new build, and WiFi turned off (didn't need it yesterday), I went all 5 hours, and then some, and the battery was only around 50%. I tried the old build with WiFi turned off before and it was still ready for a battery swap shortly before I headed home. So, it appears to me (without doing more in-depth testing) that the non-WiFi power usage has improved a lot, while the WiFi power usage has improved a little. I won't have another 5 hour block until Monday, so I can see how long it lasts there with normal WiFi usage then, if another update isn't released in the mean time.
USCC RAPH800 (old)