Re: OMJ's HTC Sense Kitchen v1.9 | WM 6.x / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 28014 | 2/16/1
Thanks for OMJ'ing 23541 OMJ. I decided to give 2012 a try again, this time making sure to add Opera 10 and Google Maps. It's funny but I think I like it.
By the way - I assume everyone noticed it is identified as 23533 - a typo perhaps? Nevertheless, I do like 23541 and the font used too, reminds me of one of the 280xx builds (the font that is).
El Mono
Oops, apparently not a typo. Sorry for my confusion.
Last edited by El Mono; 03-03-2010 at 09:15 PM.