Originally Posted by geejdee
Dr. Squishy,
I can understand some of your issues; however I’ve become a flash junkie. Keep changing my rom as new ones come out. As most of us know, a lot of the roms are beta and will contain some bugs. Guess you can say we are the debuggers. On could stay with Sprint 6.1 no bugs, well very few and not get all they can out of their phones. Now if you want to be on the cutting edge, lots of graphic and push the phone to the limits. You will have to endure a few problems. The chefs really put in a lot of work. To them I tip my hat. On another note, you will find the guys who are cooking one to two versions roms are more stable. I have a TP and TP2. The latter is my business phone and need it to be stable. The other I play with. Flash rom after rom. Thank goodness for a good backup program. My goal is to keep reading, flashing until I get a handle on how to cook and then I will burn my own rom to my liking. Overall I enjoyed reading your post and look forward to your next adventure…
I did notice a little of "tounge in cheek" here...didn't everyone? I have seen is normal post on NRG's and they were pretty normal. I enjoyed it and really think he likes the chefs. I'm still lost at timesand still prefer a cab to reg edits (reg edits scare me). I don't mind any cab installs. I can now boot from SD or from the update utility. It was alot more overwhelming a few weeks back. Personally I love love the latest Energy w/ Cookie and Neodium 8.5... I might even try?