Originally Posted by flyers2114
I have seen it before on mine also....I just stopped using it because of those issues....I just use Myphone now......WMDC and AS have just never worked properly....
I wish I could go that route, but I'm stuck with Outlook to manage my calendars between my desktop, laptop, and phone. Yes, I could probably use Google calendar or some such, but I'm already using Outlook for my emails and contacts, so might as well just stick with it.
In doing some further reading on the problem, it looks like it has been narrowed down to Outlook 2007 as being the culprit, and it only seems to come into play with the imported holidays. I guess I just never noticed the glitch before switching to Neodium V8. I'm pretty sure I can keep it in my head that Mother's day falls on Sunday, not Saturday, and Memorial Day and Labor Day are on Monday, not Sunday.
I'm curious to see what happens when we switch over to Daylight Savings Time, if the entries correct themselves.