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Old 03-02-2010, 08:09 AM
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Re: Just got one!!!!!!

Originally Posted by vernonlbrown View Post
That's true but come on, look at this android community on here. No one on this forum knows anything about android. Send them to a site that been up so they can learn and bring it back. This site is geared towards WinMo not android. Why keep a member at a forum where he has to wait days for his question to be answered? Why hold back knowledge? If you know a site that can help someone why keep it to yourself and not share it.
This site helped me a lot during my WiMo days. I've recently order a Samsung moment. Hopefully it will be here by the end of the week. But back on point.

It saddens me that I read almost everything to do with the Moment on this site in less than a hour. There really isn't a lot here. This can easily be fixed by going to other places and sharing the info.

Originally Posted by rainfreak View Post
My recommendation was not to hide the other sites from them and lock them in here but rather bring our knowledge from the other sites back here, as the members who have been around PPCG longer. Sure, I check the other sites as well, but when I find something I file it away for later. If a person asks a question, I answer it. I might have to go to another site for the information, but I still answer their question here.
That's usually what I do. I also like to quote my source if I can remember it. Even if it is just another forum.

I love this site. It's very easy to navigate and doesn't have a lot of spam. Noobs are always welcome.

Last edited by Crazyheaven; 03-02-2010 at 08:14 AM.
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