Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
np dash saw carrier was"dashspeed" so i never thought of vzw and the word speed would be together. lol
hahaha i actually pay less, have faster speeds, never drop calls, and dont have text problems like a did with sprint.
Originally Posted by fishingmedic
Dash, I've got a VZW Omnia you can use for now if you need one. Currently it has a Blazingwolf ROM w/ NEO Titanium ported over. I know it's not a TP2 but if yu want a PPC for now until you get a new one, shoot me a PM bro!
thanks and pm sent.
Originally Posted by D/\SH
no i did not but thank you, i am actually with verizon now and would need a verizon device... thanks for the gracious offer of letting me borrow it though
Just curious, how does the Dash man not have a ppc device to use? That is like Barry Bonds trying to hit a home run without a bat!
well been having medical troubles with my stomach and had to sell pretty much all my electronics that i owned to cover the bills. so no phones, no ps3, no xbox 360, sold my hdtv and back on a regular one, and so on.... got to get the bills paid first and the thing that sucks is that insurance only covers 80% of the bills even though i work at a hospital.... im sure ill be back jsut not sure when, the nice guys at spj made a thread ofr donations to buy one and at about 220 after a couple weeks... so hopefully that will come through so i can get making videos for you all again... feel so outta the loop haha
Originally Posted by Mazzakre
Originally from Detroit, now in Troy. Glad to see Ive got company!
nother repping michigan woot woot, grand rapids here and we got quite a few michiganders in this thread.