Originally Posted by Mike5150
I'm fairly certain that the answer to my question will be a big no, but I have to ask anyways because you guys tend to surprise me alot! I was curious if anyone knew of any games that I could play against my wife while I am at work and she is at home. She mentioned a scrabble like game for the Iphone that allows you to play against friends or strangers. I thought something like this might be cool for us (doesn't have to be scrabble, chess would actually be totally awesome!). The problem is that I have a TP2 and she has an Iphone.
It had to be the iPhone gah..most cross paltform solutions like flash, java and etc dont work on iPhone..so your only option as far as I can say is to find a Javascript/Ajax multiplayer game and play from the web browser.
I cannot say exactly which games in particular because I don't have an iPhone to test on whether it will be compatible so try googling for:
javascript multiplayer games
ajax multiplayer games
and try them out 1 by 1 and hope somethign works...