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Old 03-01-2010, 09:19 PM
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Re: its march! whos ready for touchxperience.

Originally Posted by Noir View Post
not quite
everyone has ASSUMED based on running snapdragon, it will be slow on a 528 mhz device. I made that same assumption as well and what did I do? I spoke to schapman about it myself last year! But the twitter comment he made dismisses that. Its not like conjecture, its been tested and I can say schapman is pretty reliable and while he runs into the issue that many developers run into (makes a timetable and something bad happens and the project is pushed back), he is pretty good for his word honestly

but again I still posed the question to dragon. If he sees lag, if he sees slow in any of the demos, tell us where. I mean I did see slight lag, but this was only due to the live wallpaper and the specific action taking place at the same time. I mean I don't want every thread here to resort to android v winmo but all I ask is just where it is. Just trying to hear differing viewpoints
I'm not arguing that and honestly i'll let dragon speak for himself but i was writing to lipidfats. honestly you went and did the research so you're probably correct. I don't even really care for this thread but lipidfats wanted to discuss me in a condesending tone so i wanted to challenge him. honestly i respect you more then you know and whatever you're writing i usually agree with you.
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