Originally Posted by rstoyguy
6. Good point. Ya got v1.35 ?
First of all thank you for V4, flashing now, didnt realise WM 6.5.3 worked with SPB MS, i remember hearing that only WM6.5 does and 6.5.3 breaks SPB MS, but since you uploaded both - it must now work? Very nice.
Downloading now(WM 6.5.3 version) and will test again as thoruoghly as i can and do another feedback like last one. Nice to see that you're actually reading them instead of just bushing them of like some cooks here(no names
In responce to your question yes i haver WMWiFirouter v1.35 that i have used since it came out and in very next version (1.50 is the next one skipping completely over 1.4x for some reason) doesnt not have BT for TP2 anymore.
Read this for their explanation(or lack off - scroll to TP2)
Here i uploaded V1.35 for you, but in my opinion no need to cook it into the ROM - it installs quite easily when someone needs it, just my 2c