Originally Posted by desairs
Huge problem for me guys. It happens in this rom and in the 2.1 Mr.X rom. If I click on a name in the phonebook and then click end, it doesn't actually hang up for 30-45 secs. It grays out the end button but it still connects the call. It is really bad because I have accidently called many people. I dont really know what to do at this point.
Thanks for the help.
I'm grasping here, but there was a tweak in Mighty's 2.1 thread months ago allowing immediate hangup when you hit end. I don't have the tweak handy, maybe someone else does, or I can get it later when I get home. Not sure if it's gonna help or not, like I said I'm grasping for anything to help you. You can search the paperclip in Mighty's thread and see if a name jumps out at you of that sort.