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Old 03-01-2010, 06:33 AM
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Re: [ROM]*UPDATED 8/15* Sprint/VZW| 6.5 23016|Clean - 16M PP|raidzero baseline 2 FINA

Ive been running its either this rom or another for the last 4 weeks. I cant seem to find the thread for the Baseline 3.1 WWE rom but either way had a few questions.

A few days ago the lockscreen went form what looked like the JMZ "slide to unlock" screen to a "push button to unlock" screen. Any reason why this would be so?

Secondly ill keep searching but the default titanium color for the ROM is blue...not a bad color but would like to change it. Any idea how to do so?

Lastly, and this is my only complaint with the matter what I do I cant turn off predictive text. Start>settings>personal>input says word completion has been turned off. Ive soft reset multiple times and still predictive text seems to be set on default. Any ideas?
Dont make God might end up with Jesus 2.0!

DavidinCT "I was going to say something like......So I bumped into your girl and noticed the cheeze...then she said she was happy to find a real man....but, I just cant"

Last edited by Weapondrift; 03-01-2010 at 06:38 AM.
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