Ok - fed up with the flash non/support
Can somebody give me some solid, accurate advice on how to get the adobe flash working with Opera mobile 8.65 reliably? I've read the other posts on the subject ad-nauseum. Have not been able to get a consistent, functional experience after weeks of working on this. Has anybody?
Here's my experience:
I started with the TCPMP and the FlashVideoBundle.cab. It did not work at all in Opera. Only in PIE. And then it was only a hack that would open flash video links in an external player. Fine, I don't get embedded video, whatever. Videos played very well in TCPMP. But PIE is such a pile of crap that most webpages don't even render properly enough to navigate, and you have no hope of arriving at a non-mobile version of your favorite sites. such as youtube. So it's basically non-functional IMO.
So I'm looking for Flash Lite 3. It's not available as a plugin yet, so that's going to be worthless. So I download Flash Lite 2.1. Install. Nothing happens. There is no change in PIE or Opera at all. I uninstall everything and reinstall just Opera and Flash Lite 2.1. The flash works just enough to crash the phone and only in PIE, nothing in Opera.
I download Flash 7 for PPC, of course there's no version 9 for PPC or even 8, so most new websites have issues rendering and will usually crash if I browse them enough. YouTube renders ok in Opera now, but the embedded player has a terrible buffering problem and simply won't play without stopping every 2 seconds. And the fullscreen button on youtube clips doesn't do anything. And the FlashVideoBundle.cab fix for PIE doesn't work anymore with Flash 7 PPC installed.
This is just so incredibly frustrating. I have EVDO and one of the best mobile browsers made (OperaMobile) that is supposedly designed to support flash, but there simply isn't a completely functional experience anywhere. Practically everybody uses flash now... I can't even play music previews on amazon, let alone listen to my XM subscription online, or watch videos on google or youtube, or even news websites or band websites or any gdam thing I seem to want to do. Please help.
Love, Anticowboyism