Originally Posted by pmeunier
Ok here is an issue. I turned off the flashing light notification for both email and text messages however, the light flashes until i read the messages. any ideas?
Checking into this.
Originally Posted by cmai
Another issue i am seeing is that once you close an application, it does not release the memory unless you reset the handset.
This will be addressed in tomorrow's update.
Originally Posted by pmeunier
And another. I added weather for another location (Hooksett NH) and the time for it is - 3 hours from the actual time now 7:50 but clock reads 4:50
You have to tap the clock on the homescreen and then select the local city you are using. You should see that the times are displayed correctly for each one. I have New York, NY at 8:15pm, and Palmdale, CA at 5:15pm. The clock only displays the time for whatever location you have chosen from the clock.