Originally Posted by superevilllama
So I have been running this for the last few hours and I am practically conviced GPS is working great. Several location apps including beautiful widgits home (weather), foursquare, and Google Maps are 100% accurate to the dot of finding my location. Add a bit of sound, CDMA data, sms and all the other stuff currently being worked on and this is absolutely amazing.
Thanks so much guys for your efforts!
That's not GPS, its Android/Google's scary good WiFi geolocation at work. Google has a giant database of WiFi networks and their locations (amassed from those Street View cars), so once the phone has an Internet connection and can scan for WiFi networks, it can probably pick up a general location.
Glad you are all enjoying WiFi. I don't know what is causing the problem with WEP, but it seems like it could be caused by Android 2. Some people on the Nexus One are having the same problem, and we use the same WiFi driver and Android version, so I think it's a more general Android problem. There are some threads about it elsewhere, maybe take a look if you use WEP.