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Old 01-04-2007, 10:36 AM
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Your approach works for smaller items, but for bigger things, like .net2 that have large installers, I would use the WM5 dumper.

Basically you install everything you want, get your phone all configured just as you like it, then run the WM5 dumper, then imgs_tools/BuildImgfs.exe to create the nk.nbf The WM5 dumper dumps everything into the Dump/Modules folders, ignoring any files that are shadow copies, so if you have a newer .dll or .exe that what is in ROM, it only dumps the newer one.

You will then have a ROM that mirrors your last install. Makes adding thing like all of the apps in the extrom, .net2, etc. easy cause you can actually run the installers. Rather than working with a set of files and then testing, you get to test it first on your phone, then create the rom.

I even keep the WM5 dumper in my ext-rom so I can run it at any time. You have to dump to a memory card, then copy to your PC.

Hope this helps.
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