[Pain in the Ass] Fair Warning
I was using Gumbo 1.5c for a week or two. All was good, and we were happy together. We danced.
Then, one day, i wanted sprint nav back, there were a few quirks in Gumbo (that were probably my fault), and i wanted the espresso rosie back so i was all like "Dude, we should do something about this", to which i replied "Who is we? I am alone here." Eventually, we agreed on flashing back to Fresh 1.1.
After several snafus involving flashing the rom, the kernel and a taskbar(That is a long story to which i have not written the ending quite yet), several hours later i was back in business. Hooray. I danced, but my phone was sleepy, so he just watched. It was a little awkward.
So then, i was all like "Lets tweet about it!", at which point, nobody replied, because i was still alone. I opened Twidroid Pro.
Boom. Force close. "Alright" I said to myself blandly as i shuffled through the app market, "Uninstall and reinstall." It worked. I didn't dance, but i did do that half-assed finger twirl thing.
"Weird" I thought. Then, after several hours, i noticed. Every single app on my phone (Which is 4 metric shitloads) that accesses the internet in any way, shape, or form, has lost all network permissions and needs to be reinstalled. C-C-C-COMBO BUMMERRR!!!!!!!!
So just know this, my fellow geekinsteins: It could happen to you. Be prepared.
Olympic-class smoker since 2005.
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