Re: [2/27/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]
Originally Posted by clifftrue
FYI only
- WiFi: Did not "Skip" during setup, Working with WPA2, Settings retained on reboot
- Browser working
- Calls: WM needed for ear piece to work, Must register to network each time, Dialing speeds about normal
- GPS location working on maps
- Performance seems much better
- Boot time about 2 minutes after about a 5 minute 1st boot
I don't believe that it is actually GPS, I think it is just going off Cell Triangulation
Current Device: HTC HD2 Wife myTouch 3G & Touch Pro2 for SALE ~ ROM - Energy 6.5.X Series Wife .... in process of Rooting and finding a good 2.1 base with Sense 2.0 ROM ~ Carrier - T-Mobile ~ Memory Card - 16GB SanDisk soon to be 32 GB SanDisk