Originally Posted by defiantone
Santod.. since I'm new to HDWAlls...especially on Sense 2.5, I'm wondering if it works as it did on Sense 2.1. On Sense 2.1 HDwalls after the soft-reset.. would automatically load the new background image. For me with Sense 2.5, that does not happen. I have to load it manually. Is this normal? If so, no biggie.. if not, can you post a screen shot of your HDWall settings? BTW, since I've unchecked everything as mentioned before, I can't load a background manually..
Thanks in advance for your help.
This weekend, I will post up some specifics and screenshots.
I want to do a few more tests on a couple things first though.
Will get back to you tomorrow, once I have confirmed a few things.
ALSO, what rom are you running?