Somebody help me please, I'm losing my mind.
I have a Verizon Touch Pro 2. I have been running SSK Roms since my touch pro. and now thats over i dont know where to turn. I need to keep my VZ Nav, and it seems that all or most of the roms out here are sprint focused. I can't do anything about it, i need VZ Nav for work. However i can just keep using the same rom i have, doesn't give me to many problems. BUT, i love new features. I love having the start bar at the bottom, i really want to get into Sense 2.5. I've tried Mighty, Juicy, Energy, and a couple others. I love Flashing, and if i could make money sitting here doing this all day i would, but i cant i need to get this settled down so i can return to work. Who knows how many calls i've already missed because i was flashing... Any help would be so greatly appreciated!