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Old 01-11-2008, 02:46 PM
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Found the brn converter........ and

Found the hack.......

No need for treo alert, phone suite bs, here you go yall...

Repeat notifications for text and email messages D 5S~Nd7
Under HKCU/ControlPanel/Notifications find the following keys for Email and Text messages:
find Key 15F11F90xxxx for reminders.
Copy the Options value from the Reminders key and overwrite the options value in both email and text message keys with this value (1073741853)
to the
key A877d65Axxxxxxx
key A877d65Bxxxxxxx

Once you do this, go to start - settings - sounds and notifications - notifications.
UNder events, select new email message OR new text message and you'll notice that th repeat option that was greyed out is now enabled and can be selected. __________________