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Old 02-26-2010, 10:38 PM
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Re: 02/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V.7.Plutonium_v2 (Sense 2012)(SYS 21891,23540)

Originally Posted by vin255764 View Post
Im little bit bored lol,v7,7+ works so good that Im out of ideas lol.
I want this UI in my ROMs
hey VIN here's and idea for ya. I tested all 3 versions 7 (beta, release, and release +). I end up reverting to version 7 beta because of this. When I use internet sharing via USB and if I receive a call or text message, the phone revert to 1x. In version 7 beta, after it revert to 1x it revert back to EV either right away or just after 1 min after receiving the text message or when phone call ended. However, with the release version 7 and version 7+, sometime it never revert back to EV or it takes about 10 minutes. Also when it's 1x, the internet super slow, but when it switch back to EV you notice a huge different in speed.

I also notice that version 7+ and release version 7 internet speed is slow than the version 7 beta.
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