Originally Posted by wiskydiver1
I'm running slim. Put mine down to do some drywall mud n tape work. About 50 minutes or so. and the battery went from 76% to 42%. Sleeping. Nothing running. No calls. No texts. No WiFi. Nada. No clue why. I had INSANE battery life with either SlimRoot21_02032010_21889 or RootRom21_02062010_23518 can't remember which one I was on! Damn! Arrgghh! Gonna go back, unless one of those is about to be updated too...
I have the same problem!! As long as the phone doesnt sleep the battery lasts FOREVER. goes into sleep and battery drains like a percent a minute. doesnt make any sense whatsoever. Also it seems if its plugged up to the computer it charges amazingly slow compared to wall unit, but that might just be normal, ignore that statement if its just my noob factor showing :P Im going to attempt making it never shut off 'after a certain amount of time' and see if that is actually what is happening.