Originally Posted by badchad
This is a shame since I hear so many good things about WebOS.
At the time, the plan restrictions seemed like a big deal. However, the trend to forcing an "Everything plus" plan on consumers is not likely to stop. It's the same with the hero, and my completely speculative prediction is that WM7 will require it as well.
Requiring the Everything plan with Android devices is a bit different than the Palm WebOS. Google has the budget and size to market the Android OS, Palm doesn't. Android came out on practically every carrier. WebOS wasn't. Palm made a strategic mistake in picking Sprint. And Sprint made a strategic mistake restricting it only to Everything plans.
Sprint and Palm should have made it as easy as possible to get the Pre with existing voice/data plans. They didn't and as a result, unless Palm gets bought out, sadly it will probably be gone by the end of the year.