Originally Posted by popasmurfn25
i have my own personal epub files is there anyway for the htcReader to recognize the files? I have put my epubs in the books directory of htcReader but after i launch the program it just has the books it came with. Is this reader prog for just purchased books from the store? Yes i have freda!! Thankyou in advanced for any more info about htc reader tweaks.
I'm not sure, but I believe this has to do with books.db (in My Documents\Reader) needing to be somehow updated with new books. Presumably the app updates that file when new books are purchased, but not sure how to do that manually. If you navigate to the epub manually with file explorer, and double click the file, it should open in the eReader app. Maybe there's a way to update the bd from there. Not sure, because I don't have any other epub books.