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Old 02-26-2010, 03:23 PM
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Re: [DISCONTINUED]01-13[KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23518-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]

Originally Posted by Jbradthomas View Post
I looked at WinCeCab Mgr the other day. I run Vista 64 and it says not compatable. Might have to get out old dusty laptop XP 32.
To use WinCeCab Mgr on my Windows 7 x64, I have to use VMWare with 32-bit WinXP

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
That sucks. WINRAR says that it can open and modify cab files and that it runs on 64 bit. WINRAR cracked pulled up a bunch of google hits. Shouldn't be too hard to find. Although having another laptop solely for phone use would be be great I think.
Winrar doesn't work the same way as WinCECab Mgr does, so it won't work for creating cab files for our WM6.5 phones.

Man, I haven't had time to check out the new phone stuff in a while. I should play around with 2012 - I've been using Sense 2.1 for stability for the last month or so, on good 'ol reliable 28011. What's the newest 'stable' SYS? I want threaded email for my gmail account
I was looking around and I saw an EXT for the threaded email tmail.exe, but I don't know where it is anymore. If i can find that again, I'd probably stick with 28011.
HTC Touch Pro: raidzero 23569 kitchen custom rom [LatROM], sense 2.5.2016, 16mb pp

Replaced by an HTC Desire: DeFroST 5.x w/ HAVS kernel, 1113MHz ondemand
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