Ok I have searched in a few threads for this and couldn't find much mention of this weird occurance. If it is here..well search for multiple variations didn't work.
The HTC shortcuts ie Peep, Music, People, and calendar disappear from the start menu and from the programs list after Cookie is installed. Even if the reg for them (hkcu/software/htc/manila "Isenableshortcut" value is 1 which allows them to show, they do not. I have tried this on a ROM that had them enabled I installed cookie cab and they were gone, removed cookie and they were back after the SR. Also tried to enable them on a ROM with cookie cooked in.... now go, even though I changed the reg back to 0 SR, then changed it back to 1 and SR.... I tried this a few times with a variety of ROMs to be sure it was Cookie that was the only factor.
I like setting two of those in my quicklinks and could not do it with cookie enabled. I am sorta OCD and feel weird without them now.....
Any ideas????????