Originally Posted by Fyras
Hey all,
I've been an avid user of my TP over the last 15 months or so.
Shes pretty beaten up and I think its time for a new phone.
I'm with Telus in Canada, and while we dont' have the Droid. We do have the Milestone.
Any info I could find states that the Milestone is just at GSM version of the Droid. The hardware is the same.. and they both run Android 2.0
If this is the case.. is there enough of a modding community to find things like Custom Roms if I Root the device?
I know I can't install a droid rom on it since it would probably brick my phone.
the milestore is the oringal name for the verizon motorola driod!! just like the driod eris is really the htc hero!! same phone different names!! verizon changed it to help with there marketing campain (driod series)