Originally Posted by tom6433
update on the sticky/failing keyboard....
i wiped out the storage card. redownloaded all of the latest and greatest files. everything was operating just fine until i tried to send my first text. as soon as i hit the space bar the gave me 3 lines of spaces. i deleted them all and tried again and this time instead of repeating spaces, it quit responding. a simple squeeze of the keyboard and what i typed filled in. all in all it took me about 2 minutes to send a 4 word text. i am not seeing these same issues in winmo. so there is only one other person that is experiencing this other than me?
Squeeze of the keyboard normally is a indication of keyboard failure. It starts out as intermittent enough to where it might not do it in winmo or it repeats keys. I'm just saying this as having 8 phones have keyboard issues replaced so far.