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Old 01-03-2007, 07:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Wideawake
nall I haven't ever used that in making my ROM. What are u looking to do with it? Maybe I can post a few tips for now, with a tutorial due out soon...
As there are no "newer" roms posted for my carrier (SaskTel), I'm looking to modify a Sprint/Verizon ROM,t so it'll support my carrier (Sasktel), as I am under the impression a Sprint/Verizon rom will not be compatible with my carrier?? If anyone can confirm or disprove this, it'd be greatly appreciated.

In addition, from my experience with HTC Himalaya roms, they first need to be "extracted", hence the need for xdanbftoo and the password, before you can modify them with a hex editor. I was hoping to take a peek inside the ROM to see if it can be modified, similar to the HTC himalaya roms, and hopefully modify the ratio of storage ROM:RAM:Pagefile. Any help in this matter is also appreciated.
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