Re: My...GOD! Phone is CONSTANTLY turning itself off at random, any help!?
Is it rebooting, or just staying shut off?
I have a VZW TP2... stock rom, winmo 6.1. Not unlocked.
I only have installed a few programs (including swype) along with the "no push internet" & "SSK TP2 dynamic resource proxy" regedit cabs.
I had 2 random restarts in one day (on 1/22/2010, both within 6 hrs of each other).
I was [attempting to] go to both times when it happened.
I think it might have something to do with this webpage, my settings, or Opera.... but I'm not sure.
The problem seemed to be with the stored password information in Opera. I went into the settings and cleared this information and it seems to be working ok now. Just thought I'd share.
"Jim's always looking at the camera and going like this—"
When I pass a Prius, I downshift to let them know that I'm the one offsetting their carbon footprint.