Originally Posted by BBHOLIDAY
I agree, but what sprint doesnt uderstand is that MOST business users aren't using this phone! They're using the black berry by sprint. More of the hardcore ppc users have the tp2. Its not rocket science! dont they have a committee that researches this... marketing maybe? just taking a shot in the dark...
Yeah & that's why the BB Tour got their recent update on SPCS - business users get the priority.
Us hobbyist are usually last in line.
I mean on 1 hand you can say the TP2 cost more than any other phone in the SPCS inventory but are the corporate/biz IT area budget going to spend for TP2 or a BB?
Like I pontificated, most general users don't really care or don't know enough to care about what the TP2 does...thus the case for iPhones & WM7.
I put myself in the latter cat - I don't know enough about 6.5+ to get frustrated.
They don't give prizes for most updates by carriers & I certainly didn't sign up with SPCS for their updates! LOL!