Originally Posted by jjs85
OK so heres the deal. If you do not run JMZ carrier selection, the only thing I found wrong was that MMS did not work. Am I missing anything else???
The next thing i did was install a MMS fix from NRGZ28 energy leo http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=86489
That fixed the MMS....BUT when i tried the keyboard, the layout was off and certain button performed other functions (the shift and function keys worked).
So i took advice from deck's SSS rom and did a reg edit to fix the keyboard layout. http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=102660
change to
UNFORTUNATELY, when i did that the keyboard was fixed but the shift and function keys no longer worked. Back to square 1...darn
ANY IDEAS??? please help, i love this rom but i need the keyboard to work and mms
This was posted by a Verizon user using my rom that was built using Kicthen v1.6 RC2... I am on Sprint so I have no idea, I have cooked using Carrier Select...
Also I noticed with My Generic builds and choosing Sprint my keyboard mapping get jacked like my Fn + : yields = / and others were messed up too. Anyone have any suggestions for building Generic Roms without causing these problems with Verizon Users is it the carrier cab itself thats messing this up?